Did you know that if you are a Community Interest Company (CIC) you can apply to convert directly to a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO)?

At the end of August the Charity Commission have just published detailed guidance on what you need to achieve this change in your governance.
The guidance offers five key steps to go through in order to change your organisation status.
They are…
Step 1: Prepare a conversion resolution – see more here.
Step 2: Adopt Charity Commission model constitution – see more here.
Step 3: Prepare a resolution adopting the CIO constitution – see more here.
Step 4: Apply for charitable status – see more here.
Also offered is guidance on what to do after you have applied – see more here.
You can find full details of the advice pages here – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/convert-a-community-interest-company-to-a-cio
Note: There is a nicely detailed article by Lucy Johnson-Cameron available on the ‘final word’ on the benefits of a CIO, just in case you are in mid-debate, see more here…
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